Mindful Hooper #5 - Is Winning All That Matters?

newsletter Feb 02, 2024
winning in sports

#5 - February 2024

Is Winning All That Matters?

Welcome to The Mindful Hooper, a monthly newsletter that helps you enhance your basketball mental game and stay up-to-date with everything Basketball Mindset Training.

This month's theme: Success And Winning

A common belief paradigm that we're taught as basketball players (and athletes overall) in today's society is that winning is the only thing that matters. You have to "win at all costs." "If you're not first, you're last." "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."

Has the emphasis on winning gone too far? If winning isn't the only thing that matters, then what else does?

What's inside:

  • 💬 Quote of the Month: How John Wooden defined success.
  • 🧠 Mindset Shift: How my perspective on winning has changed over the years.
  • 🧘‍♂️ Mantra: Reframing winning and defining what matters most.
  • 🎦 Content Recap: The latest videos and posts from BMT in case you missed it.

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"Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."

- Coach John Wooden

Former UCLA coach John Wooden was famous for his "Woodenisms," most notably, his sayings about success. 

Besides the quote above, Wooden also said:

"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming."

Wooden defined success not as something you achieve by winning, but something you achieve by giving your best effort each and every day.

The funny part is, despite not placing an emphasis on winning, Wooden had a win percentage of 80% and he won 10 NCAA Championships.

Funny how that works.

You can watch John Wooden talk more about what success means to him here:

TED Talk - The difference between winning and succeeding | John Wooden >>


More Quotes About Winning/Success

• "Failure is what happens when you decide you failed. Until then, you're still always looking for ways to get to where you want to be." - Tim Grover

• “If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone, you have already forgotten your value.” - Unknown

• “A champion is defined not by their wins, but by how many times they recover when they fall.” - Serena Williams

More John Wooden Quotes: 73 Coach John Wooden Quotes And Sayings About Basketball And Life >>





My Old Beliefs About Winning

I've been a diehard Lakers fan since I was a kid. I used to stay up late on the east coast to catch their games and I used to be so invested in whether they won or lost...to the point where if they lost a game (even in the regular season), it would affect my mood. I'd be mad, frustrated, upset...you name it. 

From a variety of places -- school, media, TV/film, pro athletes -- I had come to learn that winning was everything. You have to win each game or you failed. You have to win a ring or you aren't one of the greatest ever. 

And so, I was extremely invested in whether the Lakers won or not. Same with my playing career, if we lost a game, I was in a bad mood.

You've probably heard the famous quote from legendary Packers coach Vince Lombardi:

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."

With this belief, the only thing that matters is winning. You play to win the game. If you don't win, you failed. If you don't win, you weren't successful. 

If you didn't win a championship, then you didn't really have a successful season or career. Or you can't be at the top of the rankings.

I certainly used to believe all this. But not anymore.


My New Beliefs About Winning

Now, I have a totally different view of winning. 

I still want to win. I'll say that again: I still 100% want to win every game I play. Whether it's basketball or any other competition.

But if I don't win, that's okay now. I'm at peace with losing.

Because now I believe that winning isn't everything. And it's not what defines success.


What Matters Then?

What matters most to me now is effort, execution, and enjoyment


When playing basketball now, did I give my absolute best effort? Did I play with heart? Did I leave it all on the court? Did I box-out or dive on the floor for that loose ball?

If I can answer yes to those questions, then I'm satisfied. 


Did I execute? Did I make shots, make the right reads, the right passes? Did I play well defensively to the best of my ability?

If I can answer yes to those questions, then I'm satisfied.

If not, that's still ok. What do I need to work on then? Which parts of my game need improving? What can I learn from that performance that will help me be better moving forward? Losing isn't a failure, it's just an opportunity to learn and improve.


Did I have fun playing? Did I enjoy the competition, the battle against my opponent? The opportunity to showcase my skills and/or the opportunity to learn where I can grow?

If I can answer yes to those questions, then I'm satisfied.

If I can answer yes to those questions, then I feel like I was successful. 

If I can answer yes to those questions AND win the game, well then that's just an added bonus.


Yes, You Can Do Both

You can want to win, yet be at peace when you don't. You can want to win yet still get fulfillment from losing. You can want to win, yet still be successful if you don't.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. 

Winning, to me, used to be the entire cake. Now it's just the cherry on top. 



"Giving my best effort, continually striving to get better, and having fun is most important to me. Winning as a by-product of that is an added bonus."





In case you missed it, here's the latest content from Basketball Mindset Training:

YouTube Videos:

The Complete Guide To Getting In The Zone In Basketball


Blog Posts:

Get Better At Ball Handling - 10 Tips + Drills To Improve Your Handles


53 Jayson Tatum Quotes On Kobe, Confidence, Work Ethic, & Basketball


95 Joel Embiid Quotes On Basketball, The Process, Confidence & Success




You've made it through, but your mental training doesn't have to stop here! Here's how to take it a step further:

  • Mental Greatness Blueprint is the complete basketball mental skills training program where you’ll master all 7 elements of your basketball mindset so you can achieve mental greatness and unleash your full potential. Master your mental game today!



  • Also, if you found this newsletter helpful consider donating to help support BMT. Anything is appreciated!


Thanks for reading and I hope this helps you get better in some way.

If you have any questions or comments you can email me at [email protected]

Happy hooping!

- D


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